Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Do They Rebuild Snowmachine Crankshafts

three main elements responsible for human health


is the basic element of the building blocks of the human skeleton. Transmit nerve impulses, it generates a striated muscle contractions, affect the work of the heart muscle, activates certain factors in the blood clotting process. Calcium, it is impossible without the correct functioning of the immune system (defense). Moreover, this element exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiallergic.
Symptoms of calcium deficiency is the weakening of the bones and skeletal growth disorders in children, osteoporosis in adults, tooth decay and diseases of the muscular and nervous system (hyperactivity, constant fatigue, insomnia). Calcium
present in milk but a lot of research confirms that milk has a negative impact on human health, so preferably would skip them in your diet, and calcium to supply the body with the following sources: beans, sea fish, leafy vegetables, dried fruits, a great source of calcium is wholesome nuts and almonds, and water medium and wysokomineralizowana (eg Muszynianka niskonasycona, which also contains a lot of magnesium.)

Calcium interest:
Jean Carper in her book "Food - your miracle drug" refers to some interesting results studies which show that calcium-rich foods are effective in the fight against hypertension. Some scientists even claim that high blood pressure is the result of a shortage of this element in the body. This view is confirmed by the results of research scientists from the University Medical Center in Texas, which showed that administration of 800 mg of calcium daily reduces mild hypertension in approximately 20% of up to 20 - 30 points (mm Hg).

Other studies confirm the anti-cancer (anti-cancer) properties of foods rich in calcium. Cedryk Dr Garland, director of the Cancer Center, University California, San Diego has demonstrated that even in 1200 - 14000 mg of calcium helps to prevent 65 - 75% of cases of colon cancer. Just up to 700 mg of calcium for men and 450 mg in middle-aged women.

Prof. Michal Tombak in his book "How to Cure incurable" cites very interesting facts about calcium. This eminent expert on natural medicine and also a wonderful man who has helped many people get back to full health claims that there are two types of calcium: a "good" and "bad." The first is a calcium-organic, easily absorbed by the bones that occurs in fruits and vegetables (especially their skins) in freshly prepared juices, eggs, bran, wheat germ, oats and nuts. However, this second "bad" occurs in all refined products (cooked, heat-treated), and is hardly absorbed by the body.

in our body, there should be a balance because more than 50% of our daily diet should be vegetables, fruits, kefir, and other natural yoghurt containing "good" calcium. Thanks uchronimy against osteoporosis.
"good" calcium by prof. Tombak formed in the body readily soluble salts, which are necessary for the processes of circulation, our blood to protect against the ingress of bacteria through the blood vessels are involved in the normal growth of bones and teeth, and perform many other, very important for our health functions.

responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, is the building block of bones, teeth and muscles. Participates in enzymatic processes and the biosynthesis of proteins, is responsible for protecting the enzyme against mutagenic effects of environmental influences. Magnesium deficiency causes
excessive excitability, muscle spasms, heart disorders, fatigue, appetite disturbance, depression, sleep disorders and headaches.
Magnesium occurs in plums, legumes, figs, cocoa, bitter and sweet chocolate, green vegetables, cereals (wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal flour), bananas, nuts, almonds, organ meats.

Magnesium interest:
Many scientists conducting research aimed at isolating the plum "magical cleaning agent." Dr. Barbara Scheeman, a specialist on the fibers of the University of California, believes that the factor responsible for the laxative properties of prunes, which protect the digestive system against cancer is fiber. The doctor conducted a study of 41 men and found that daily dodawanie twelve prunes to your diet increases the volume of stool and bowel movements by about 20%. On the occasion noted that the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol decreased from them by about 4%.

very interesting study conducted in 1951 by scientists from the Laboratory Harrower, St. Louis, who announced that they had broken the secret of plums. They isolated the chemical that difenylisatyną called, which has laxative properties. Numerous studies have also confirmed that in addition to the aforementioned substance most important element, which owes its plum "beneficial" to health characteristics is present in it in huge quantities of magnesium.

worth noting that magnesium (in addition to calcium, boron and vitamin D, the best source is sunlight) is one of the elements, which prevents and treats both osteoporosis.

is a component of hemoglobin, is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood, is involved in cellular respiration and is a component of certain enzymes.
Deficiency symptoms are headache, fatigue, irritability and weakness of the whole organism, lack the will to live.

Iron occurs in nuts, almonds, egg yolks, wątróbce, meat.


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