Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gallbladder Attack Swollen Lymph Nodes

drink coffee in moderation because I want to be healthy

At the outset let me say that (to me) coffee can be part of a healthy diet. I drink this wonderful drink every hour after breakfast and I feel great. I recommend coffee ARABICA (each of its nature is wonderful), which is available in stores with organic food.
do not agree with people who claim that coffee is unhealthy and should not drink it. The results published "International Journal of Cancer" show that coffee and tea may protect against kidney cancer. Already a cup of tea a day may reduce the likelihood of developing cancer of the kidneys by 1915-1916 percent.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston conducted a study which shows that people who drink three cups of coffee daily the risk of kidney cancer is 16% lower than in people who drink only juice and milk
reason why coffee and tea can protect us is the fact that these drinks are involved in regulating levels of insulin - a hormone regulating blood sugar levels.
Increased insulin and may increase the risk of kidney cancer. In addition, coffee and tea are a source of antioxidants which help protect cells from damage by the growing tumor.

Long-term research for proposals put forward were described involving 530,000 men and 244,000 women. Over twenty years carefully analyzed diet and health study participants. This is just one of many studies that have shown positive effects for our health, drinking 1-2 cups of regular coffee. I once read that it is much healthier than drinking coffee everyday drinking it only from time to time.

coffee reduces the effects of alcohol
U.S. researchers found that drinking coffee may reduce risk of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver - one of the numbers reported by the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.

Cirrhosis is a disease in which healthy tissue is gradually destroyed by the liver is replaced with scar tissue. Viruses such as Hepatitis C (Hepatitis C) may cause liver cirrhosis, but that long-term, heavy alcohol abuse is the leading cause of disease in countries developed - inform the authors reported.

However, the majority of alcoholics do not suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. Factors that influence the risk of disease outside of alcohol, are genetic predisposition, diet and nutrition, smoking and alcohol interactions with other factors that destroy the liver. Arthur L. Klatsky and his colleagues looked at data 125 580 patients, including 55 247 men and 70 333 women who did not report liver disease during the initial examination between 1978 and 1985. Participants filled out a questionnaire in which they were asked to provide information among other things, about the amount of alcohol and coffee, they drank per day in previous years.
Some patients had also made the sign of liver enzymes in the blood. These enzymes are released into the bloodstream when the liver is diseased or destroyed.
Before the end of 2001 with 330 participants diagnosed with cirrhosis, including 199 with alcoholic variant of the disease.

After carefully examining the survey results found that with every cup of coffee drunk per day the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis among participants fell by 22 percent. Drinking coffee also slightly decreased the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver caused by other factors.

Interestingly, the researchers also observed that patients who drank more alcohol, had elevated levels of enzymes in the blood test - which indicated liver damage, but those who drank both coffee and alcohol, enzyme levels were lower than in Only patients who drink alcohol. This relationship was most evident among study participants who drink the most.

Drinking tea was not associated with reduced risk, suggesting that this Caffeine is not responsible for the association of coffee drinking with reduced likelihood of developing cirrhosis.
This discovery is not a suggestion for doctors to recommend coffee drinking to prevent liver cirrhosis, the authors write. "Even if coffee does condescendingly, an essential condition to reduce liver cirrhosis is avoidance or cessation of drinking alcohol in large quantities" - the researchers point out, while speculating that coffee might represent one of many potential factors influencing the risk of liver cirrhosis.

Seven reasons for why you should love coffee (up to 2 cups per day)

first Caffeine in coffee protects against liver parenchyma damage.
second coffee drunk in moderation and regularly reduces the risk of colorectal cancer and bladder. All thanks to numerous anticancer przeciwutleniaczom which are absorbed just in this episode of the intestine and prevent the destruction of its walls by free radicals.
third Coffee prevent asthma, it suppresses the release of histamine is responsible for allergies.
4th coffee reduces the risk of type II diabetes. The antioxidants in coffee have a positive effect on the metabolism of sugar in the body.
5th Coffee increases fertility in men. Sperm of men who drink coffee are more viable.
6th Coffee prevents hair loss.
7th coffee protects against Parkinson's disease. Drinking even small portions of coffee stimulates the blood vessels in the brain, allowing the nerve cell receives more oxygen and nutrients.

Related articles:

Alcohol and Health
Green tea

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tanning Stickers Wedding

Valencia near Puente Real is a very special trees
appear together as a strange forest
a fashion shoot there ....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Do They Rebuild Snowmachine Crankshafts

three main elements responsible for human health


is the basic element of the building blocks of the human skeleton. Transmit nerve impulses, it generates a striated muscle contractions, affect the work of the heart muscle, activates certain factors in the blood clotting process. Calcium, it is impossible without the correct functioning of the immune system (defense). Moreover, this element exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiallergic.
Symptoms of calcium deficiency is the weakening of the bones and skeletal growth disorders in children, osteoporosis in adults, tooth decay and diseases of the muscular and nervous system (hyperactivity, constant fatigue, insomnia). Calcium
present in milk but a lot of research confirms that milk has a negative impact on human health, so preferably would skip them in your diet, and calcium to supply the body with the following sources: beans, sea fish, leafy vegetables, dried fruits, a great source of calcium is wholesome nuts and almonds, and water medium and wysokomineralizowana (eg Muszynianka niskonasycona, which also contains a lot of magnesium.)

Calcium interest:
Jean Carper in her book "Food - your miracle drug" refers to some interesting results studies which show that calcium-rich foods are effective in the fight against hypertension. Some scientists even claim that high blood pressure is the result of a shortage of this element in the body. This view is confirmed by the results of research scientists from the University Medical Center in Texas, which showed that administration of 800 mg of calcium daily reduces mild hypertension in approximately 20% of up to 20 - 30 points (mm Hg).

Other studies confirm the anti-cancer (anti-cancer) properties of foods rich in calcium. Cedryk Dr Garland, director of the Cancer Center, University California, San Diego has demonstrated that even in 1200 - 14000 mg of calcium helps to prevent 65 - 75% of cases of colon cancer. Just up to 700 mg of calcium for men and 450 mg in middle-aged women.

Prof. Michal Tombak in his book "How to Cure incurable" cites very interesting facts about calcium. This eminent expert on natural medicine and also a wonderful man who has helped many people get back to full health claims that there are two types of calcium: a "good" and "bad." The first is a calcium-organic, easily absorbed by the bones that occurs in fruits and vegetables (especially their skins) in freshly prepared juices, eggs, bran, wheat germ, oats and nuts. However, this second "bad" occurs in all refined products (cooked, heat-treated), and is hardly absorbed by the body.

in our body, there should be a balance because more than 50% of our daily diet should be vegetables, fruits, kefir, and other natural yoghurt containing "good" calcium. Thanks uchronimy against osteoporosis.
"good" calcium by prof. Tombak formed in the body readily soluble salts, which are necessary for the processes of circulation, our blood to protect against the ingress of bacteria through the blood vessels are involved in the normal growth of bones and teeth, and perform many other, very important for our health functions.

responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, is the building block of bones, teeth and muscles. Participates in enzymatic processes and the biosynthesis of proteins, is responsible for protecting the enzyme against mutagenic effects of environmental influences. Magnesium deficiency causes
excessive excitability, muscle spasms, heart disorders, fatigue, appetite disturbance, depression, sleep disorders and headaches.
Magnesium occurs in plums, legumes, figs, cocoa, bitter and sweet chocolate, green vegetables, cereals (wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal flour), bananas, nuts, almonds, organ meats.

Magnesium interest:
Many scientists conducting research aimed at isolating the plum "magical cleaning agent." Dr. Barbara Scheeman, a specialist on the fibers of the University of California, believes that the factor responsible for the laxative properties of prunes, which protect the digestive system against cancer is fiber. The doctor conducted a study of 41 men and found that daily dodawanie twelve prunes to your diet increases the volume of stool and bowel movements by about 20%. On the occasion noted that the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol decreased from them by about 4%.

very interesting study conducted in 1951 by scientists from the Laboratory Harrower, St. Louis, who announced that they had broken the secret of plums. They isolated the chemical that difenylisatyną called, which has laxative properties. Numerous studies have also confirmed that in addition to the aforementioned substance most important element, which owes its plum "beneficial" to health characteristics is present in it in huge quantities of magnesium.

worth noting that magnesium (in addition to calcium, boron and vitamin D, the best source is sunlight) is one of the elements, which prevents and treats both osteoporosis.

is a component of hemoglobin, is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood, is involved in cellular respiration and is a component of certain enzymes.
Deficiency symptoms are headache, fatigue, irritability and weakness of the whole organism, lack the will to live.

Iron occurs in nuts, almonds, egg yolks, wątróbce, meat.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

C Cup Boob Size Pic Comparison


Hey, but today I had an adventure:)
dialed a movie first laptop, but it turned out that something is wrong with him and the movie is not recorded.
then took my camera and I made a movie about wheat grass, but unfortunately I could not board because the movie did not want to copy from memory card kompa:) The third
For this I went a bit further and copied to the drive, but it did not want to copy to on YT, and of what you have here the opportunity to watch the videos, taken is 4 now and so far only, which I was able to move to the public:)

- spinach
- wild rocket
- chives
- red pepper
- kale

tomato - orange
- 2 cloves garlic
- salt and pepper

Even if you do not like green obiadków so, then I recommend you to any other sosik salads that you do at home, because I came out really cool!
I never said that a combination of tomato and orange can go so delicious wonder, because for me it tastes to bite them. I still do
salad picture to show you the end result in better quality, but it has fascinated the taste of this delicious sauce that completely forgot about, and I ate the whole PICTURE, maybe next time I'll do something less savory, and I can photograph it:) Have a nice


And as always ENJOY!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Age 15

Why make us suffer the disease of civilization? (Part 2)


Nutritionists and advocates of healthy nutrition and natural medicine more often and more loudly say that civilization and prosperity of us (I mean mostly Western Europeans and Americans - that is, developed countries with modern health services, drugs, vaccines, etc.) are killed. I have already written enough about how we should eat to maintain health and well being for the rest of our lives. If you are interested I refer to my articles - I encourage you to pay particular attention to texts: "Influence of different beverages on human health" and "proper food combining."

Those who remain skeptical (Or feel hungry for knowledge) to the words contained in both parts of the article, I refer to books and Wojtek Cejrowski programs, publications, prof. Michal Tombak and Morgan Spurlock's bestseller titled "Life in the fast food." By reading the books of these three men will be able to understand why a poor, underdeveloped countries, people are often healthier and happier.

U.S. suffering from power ...
In this article I focused on the same effects of poor nutrition and improper conduct in general, not very active lifestyle. On introduce you to the beginning of the health condition of the greatest superpower (after China) in the world, I obviously mean the United States. Well, after reviewing a variety of statistical data, it appears that people in the U.S. is the fattest nation on the planet. Are overweight there, 65 percent of adult Americans. At this point, I might add, that in Poland at 53 percent of overweight people but in contrast with the power we hold on to the lower limits of overweight! The situation in the United States is quite dramatic, according to data from the American Association of Obesity Treatment 127 million U.S. residents are overweight 60 million are obese and 9 million are "dramatically obese." In the decade between 1991 and 2001 the amount of obese people has increased by 21 percent.

growing importance of the U.S. population is a serious problem for airlines. In October 2004, the Associated Press sent the following letter:
"Growing bellies of Americans begin to weigh the financial performance of airlines, because the excess kilograms additional strain on aircraft passengers. According to government surveys heavier passengers mean higher fuel costs.
Under information Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in the nineties of the twentieth century the average weight of Americans increased by 4.5 kilograms. Those extra pounds in the year 2000 forced the airline to issue 275 million to 100 million tonnes of fuel to cope with the heavier weight of passengers, as the government agency estimated in a recent issue of American Journal of Medicine Preventivw.
burning additional fuel is also not without impact on the environment. According to a development has been released into the atmosphere additional 3.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide
. (The statistics and quoted the text can be found in the book of Morgan Spurlock Fri: "Life in the fast food").

When I read the horrific details I wonder why our politicians are so fascinated by this power? Rather, the Americans should emulate us, not we them! The health issues are better both on how the U.S. and many Western European countries. In Poland the development of GMOs (genetically modified foods) is severely hampered, more and more farms and organic food stores and in our schools to promote healthy lifestyles and this is cool. The truth is that our country should serve as a model for the ailing Western Europe. In our country, both good food and a commitment to tradition and religion should be an example for the more developed countries, where people often get sick and likely to commit suicide. Statistics say that in 2010 the fastest growing country in the world, that Japan had committed suicide over 30 thousand. people. What does this mean? In all things Japanese started to imitate the Europeans, backed the rapid economic development at the expense of its traditional (healthy) diet (which is superseded by the fast food).

But back to the U.S. population. Being overweight is not the only ailment which decimates the power. The statistics are downright scary! In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that one third of children born in 2000, ill with diabetes type II. Moreover, the number of cases of type II diabetes among adolescents increased between 1982 and 1994 ten-fold.

As a result of diabetes, many Americans, British and Western Europeans suffer from heart attacks, strokes, blindness (from 12 to 24,000 Americans every year, it is concluded blindness caused by diabetes! - The terrifying truth? "I think that Poland is heading in the same direction. Unfortunately, few people care about their health.) In addition, diabetes contributes to impairment of hypothyroidism, which states that each year thousands of Americans in 38, nerve damage of the lower limbs, which can lead to amputation of the states in 82 thousand. Americans every year - the cause of diabetes is, of course, to which sick people who consumed a lot of sweets, fatty foods, food from fast food, drinking carbonated beverages, resulting in less active lifestyle, etc.

Currently diabetes is the sixth leading cause of deaths in the U.S., but this factor will increase when today's children grow up. Further data is also not optimistic. According to a study by the American Cancer Society more than 20 percent of all cancer deaths among women and 14 percent among men was directly related to obesity. Another 33 percent of cancer deaths were linked to poor diet and physical inactivity. All these people died because they would not (although little) to take care of your health, move more and eat less. Why is the country's prosperity, superpower society behaves in such a suicidal manner?

And just so little. Nobody says that everyone should make to their lives any radical principle to be healthy. Just take care of your diet, take some basic pro-health policies that can be found among others on my blog and just enjoy life.

Diet and obesity are associated with an increased incidence of breast, colon, esophagus, uterus and kidney. It was found that the majority of the population of these diseases could be avoided had in their daily diet added products rich in fiber (such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread, wholemeal flour, wholemeal pasta, vegetable juice and fruit, nuts, almonds, dried figs, prunes and dates.) It was found that these products will clearly reduce the risk of all these types of cancer and other diseases of the digestive system and diabetes. In addition, eating foods high in fiber result in bowel cleansing and restores regular (daily, hearty, no smell of fermentation, which is a sign of the disease), bowel movements, and thereby reduces the risk of overweight. Diets high in animal fat conducive to the occurrence of cancer and hinder the body's fight with cancer types such as breast cancer or colon cancer.

Morgan Spurlock in his book "Life in the fast food," cites an interesting observation:
"Where the people whose diet is rich in fiber and vegetables? They live in low-industrialized countries. And where people eat too much meat and fat? Guess.
In 2004, the American Cancer Society reported: "Since through healthy habits can prevent up to 60 percent of cases of cancer, and healthy eating normally there develop in childhood, children and adolescents are important customer information to prevent cancer. " But instead of suffering from overweight parents teach their children to avoid physical exercise and eating meals at McDonald's Happy Meal.
thing is that people with high obesity have a reduced chance of having children. Very obese women have more difficulty getting pregnant, even with artificial insemination. Very obese men often have poorer quality sperm, perhaps because in these organisms is a lot of estrogen produced by the cells Fatty. Want to know how far gone it's sad, pathetic phenomenon? Specialists in pet claim that even today we teach our overweight pets. Every fourth cat or dog in America is obese (...).
In recent years, we spread the plague of obesity in the world. Along with the exporting of American values, American life, and especially American fast food restaurants to countries with different cultures gave the beginning of the global obesity crisis. "

Finally cite other studies that may shake more than one person. Well, British scientists from the 70's - the lead research in Africa, precisely in Uganda and came to surprising conclusions. They found that people in this poor country does not have such diseases as bowel cancer! The people wypróżniają every day, all thanks to the consumption of small quantities of meat and large quantities of plant products that contain fiber.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pratham Man And Gauri Inkutumb 2


recipe a little repeated, just because I was at Ewcia, but a completely different sauce, so it decided to share with you. Never before I had not eaten this version, so I wonder former endpoint and to be honest, that was wonderfully eat one, macaroon ")

Unfortunately I only had two courgettes and it was not how to seconds: (
Ingredients: Sauce

- crude mayonnaise
- raw ketchup

- 2 courgettes
- oregano
- chives


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Confidentiality Clasue

SOCZEK germ elephant and the tiger:)

delicious and healthy soczek sprout:)

How To Improve The Signal Of Your Baby Monitor

Why make us suffer the disease of civilization? (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered why the rich countries, for example, such as USA, France, Germany and England a significant part of the population suffer from various diseases of civilization? Why, despite high spending on medicine, vaccines, and frequent Americans are so often sick, and the "savage" borderland residents living in Brazil and Colombia, Africa, Siberia and other places in the world are famous for their longevity. After all, these people do not know vaccines do not take drugs, and eat only what you hunt, you will find in the wild or collect from their small fields. Such people lead a simple lifestyle, so to speak for nature, so they are healthy and often more happy than we civilized people.

Do not get me wrong I'm not saying that civilization and progress are good. Fortresses only that progress should force people to reflect on their lives, including what they eat and drink. We have to realize that we live in times where we need to develop their knowledge about health, environment, everything which is harmful and it helps us and our children. In this article, I decided to bring you the two main factors responsible for most of us are tormenting diseases. These factors scored:

first Consuming too many antibiotics and the substitution of fruit and vegetables, vitamins from the pharmacy, the use of pills for every even the slightest ailment (eg, insomnia, headaches, digestive problems) - in a word, taking too many drugs, which weaken the immune system. Scientifically proven that the resistance of many 20 - year olds is lower than the disease resistance of our grandmothers and great-grandmother. In addition, demonstrated that the organisms most people become resistant to antibiotics, which are increasingly less the case of the disease.

second second factor that describe (part 2) is a poor diet that leads to abnormal internal microflora of the body, diabetes, obesity and other known to us all diseases.

WHY DRUGS are killing us? In our
the advanced industrialized world, and there are multitudes of people trying to use the naiveté of the masses. " Just turn on the TV and wait for the ads, which always advertises a "miraculous" drugs for every ailment. The recipient is bombarded with advertisements of drugs for insomnia, headache, hemorrhoids, toothache, fever, obesity, hyperactivity and many others ... Receiver

most believe these ads and buys medicine for him agonizing ailment. Champions can additionally several times a year to take antibiotics and vitamins from a pharmacy not understanding that the real wholesome vitamins can only provide your body with food. This behavior makes it not thinking about the causes of the disease but struggle with its effects. I will try to explain it as an example of acne: Imagine a person suffering from acne, which he sees on TV ad spots to eradicate drug on the face. Someone like that probably will go to the pharmacy and buy medicine. Acne will disappear with time, and the lucky will live still, but at the time. The person who reads a book devoted to health would not affect this type of marketing manipulation and went on a diet, which is the only way to cure your acne. Thanks to this in the future have saved before liver cancer or colorectal cancer for which a person can get healing acne medications.

Just get the basic knowledge to understand that each of our ailment is a warning signal sent by the body. In the case of acne, the body tells us that our liver is something wrong because any skin changes mean more or less of liver ailments. In this situation, we need to change your eating habits, diet add more fruits and vegetables, apply the principle of NO - zapijania to eat, eat breakfast and do not cram before bedtime. I cited just a few basic pro-health principles through which "we do well," his liver and will contribute to the elimination of causes of acne. This not going to grow a liver cancer and other terrible diseases which could arise if we treated the same as acne medicines without a proper diet.

Those who can not keep up with the rapid development of civilization (often detrimental to the health) are not developing their knowledge in the field of health cure any ailment with pills (without prescription) without realizing the consequences. The truth is cruel. Even innocent aspirin pill, even in doses as a child, causes mikrokrwotoki in the stomach (3 ml of blood). It is a small wound, but how much such a poor morning, they have our stomach, which receives a "handful" tablets against various diseases? Add to that the vitamins from the pharmacy and numerous chemical additives added to foods and fizzy drinks. All this is harmful to us, and most of us consumes a lot of such products. What is the effect we see ourselves enough to go out and watch the rising aggression among young people, problems with diabetes and diseases of the spine, and many other lifestyle diseases for which they are responsible, preservatives, poor diet, air pollution and taking too much medication. Themselves have created yourself what we have so I'm surprised when people with severe disease or having a rude children blamed the world for their misfortune. The truth is that these same people are hurt and do not care about your health! Malaise, aggression in children and the elderly, and most of our everyday ailments (headaches, fatigue, insomnia, hyperactivity, and others) for all of this in a very large extent is responsible vitamin deficiencies and a lack of internal body hygiene (cleansing the liver, kidneys and intestines of which writes as Professor. Tombak). The truth is painfully easy to cultivate their knowledge of medicine (both the natural and West) and dietetics, read different books and websites devoted to this, develop your knowledge and use particular her life - the only way to maintain health.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Motorcycle Informative Speeches

CRUDE Mayonnaise

Hello dear from today I will also throw the rules on YT, hoping that this form of communication would be for many of you are much more comfortable.
As a first measure CRUDE mayonnaise, and less than a second, more soon, so keep your fingers crossed!
I have to thank my assistants, through which I had mniejszey stress and I was more relaxed
I love you and thank you Amelko:)

Welcome to the movie!

lot of good!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snl Napster Hearings Sketch

We wake up as one

Hello dears, today I have for you a 3-y partial movie, I hope you like it, enjoy a session:)

We wake up as a unity - A call to unite

We wake up as a unity - Plan

We wake up as a unity - Prophecy

productive day:)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maruchan Do Not Microwave

Hello dear, now the second time since blogs, ask you for your help. Shares are many such, but are usually anonymous to us, this is the name for me because it comes to my friend's daughter from the technical college. Was it costs nothing, because you only have to fill an additional form for tax returns by entering data on the bottom.
to friendly bloggers to request if possible wkleili, asked on his blog.
Thanks for any help in her and just as these cute girls name:)

Lots of warmth for you as always!


are our daughters, Isabella and Iga. They are twins. Born on 25 January 2009. In August 2010 He was diagnosed with them infantile autism. Girls can not perform simple tasks are useful in everyday life that their peers do without any difficulty. They can not have fun or to think creatively as their peers, they can not focus our attention on a particular thing or activity.
Autism diagnosed so early in our daughters gives girls a great chance for a normal life functioning. No further treatment and therapy can lead to stagnation in the development or might cause a setback. They need intensive care, and technical assistance. Of course, aid that costs huge money. Unfortunately we are unable to pay these enormous expenses related to treatment and therapy daughters.
today and you can help to ensure that girls are receiving appropriate treatment and rehabilitation.
Very please, pass the 1% of its tax treatment and rehabilitation of our daughters!
taxpayer who wants to share 1% of its tax charitable organization need not make any payments to her account. Simply submit the annual tax return, fill in the form PIT (36.36 L, 37,38,39) appropriate box, indicating the amount not exceeding 1% of the calculated tax and KRS number of public benefit organization, in our case 0,000,206,719th Under the heading "Other information, including facilitating contact with the taxpayer", type a specific purpose: "Iza treatment and Igi (No. 027)" . This is important because without this information, no donation will go to our daughters.
money on rehabilitation and treatment of our girls collect:
Association for the twins' double Smile
Street. Grochowska
56/76 04-282 Warszawa
KRS: 0000206719, account number 75 1240 1066 1111 0010 1553 9811
Thank you very much!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Community Involvement Letter


Another post from the series, strange rules, "this probably will be the most bzikowy:)
few months ago I came across the movie mega exclusive salon in the states, where he boasted that for a large sum of money These can fall into the super-nourishing hair treatment. What surprised me was how you used a stylist for the treatment of fruit, which zblendował as we do every day doing sheik:)
which I do not remember the exact ingredients used, but certainly there was avocado. There is so much of modern fruit-based shampoos such as cherries, kiwi, grapes, so no need to cling to the provision, only if someone przypasuje the idea that every time you run wild a little differently.
the season you can add I do not know, even a little juice from the nettle, horsetail
etc. Sometimes it is like the wild zieleninki season, it is squeezed out of a liter and a half, juice, nettle, jump into the tub, pours her hair, and the rest poured into the bath and I have a green bath. My daughter Amelia
once before each baths asked me if today the Most Out of a little soczku, because she likes to dabble in the green water.
Frankly, it is the same color, but also the intense smell makes such a bath for me is super relaxed.
quite a long time ago I came across the information that in some resorts, such treatment was used once green therapy, just completely do not remember in what cases and what exactly it was, but for me it counts only so much that my hair is healthier, and I was more relaxed:) Sometimes I also
wrong with wheat grass juice and green, although water is then by far the prettiest, this version may scare you because of the smell, but you can get used to it:)
For those who drink the juice from the grass, it should not be any problem:)

time for the recipe:

avocado - 2 bananas
- 2 kiwi

Directions: Put everything
into the blender and turn to high speed and you're done:)
Then just put on the hair and rub his fingers neatly into the skin and in hair length.
portion, I made enough for two heads like me, so you can reduce the recipe by 1 banana and 1 kiwi fruit or leave it as is and at the end of surgery, eat what you will:)
By the way, is a very flavor sheikh came out, so even though that the provision is maseczce the hair, and so I wish you the traditional ENJOY!!

gorging MASK:)

Avocado works great on the skin and is recommended as a mask to his face. For a long time without thinking wysmarowałem also at the end of the whole profile of the left, then right, and I must admit that my smiley is quite cute in touch:)
hair, I do not know, because I will not dry out, but I write in the commentary as they did when dry:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pokemon Pearl Emulator For Mac

France on flying, going to Spain
repende the day began to make longer.
Salia night and went into the day. The night I was haunted
and I escaped. It was an amazing feeling.