Sunday, February 20, 2011

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interview with Michał TOMBAKIEM (selected excerpts)

According to prof. Michal Tombak, there are five main reasons that cause damage to human health
-neglected back-irregular breathing

-no internal body hygiene
improper diet-no happy life skills
If we add to this growing conviction today oncologists that cancer is the revenge of nature for meals eaten properly - it is worth considering what to change in our meals, to live long and healthy life.


-What happens when you eat lunch meat and potatoes?
-We'll have problems with digestion. To digest potatoes need an hour to digest meat from 3 to 7 hours. The body unnecessarily loses energy to digest the various food at different times, and yet this time could be used for other vital functions, or the fight against diseases.

-Take for example a sandwich, which everyone eats for breakfast: white bread spread with butter, sausage on it. What's wrong with that?
-To, that bread is a carbohydrate, butter fats, and meats to a group of proteins. The combination of these products to a tough nut to crack for our digestive system. In the stomach and duodenum must produce various digestive juices, separate the proteins and carbohydrates. Butter inhibits their action. I'm not opposed to sandwiches, but also prepare them in accordance with normal principles of food combining.

(...) Can I restore proper digestion?

you and to this end Prof. Michal Tombak recommend the ginger treatment, derived from the tradition of Tibetan medicine. Treatment is simple and it is especially recommended for the elderly. In a small bowl
should rub 4 tablespoons of powdered ginger and mix them with melted butter 150 grams. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture Cover the dish and leave in a cool place. The blend should be consumed before breakfast for ten days in the following quantities.
First day: half a teaspoonful
Second day: 1 teaspoon
Third day: 1.5 teaspoons
Fourth Day: 2 teaspoons
Fifth Day: 2.5 teaspoon
sixth day: 2.5 teaspoon
seventh day: 2 tsp
Eighth Day: 1.5 teaspoons
Ninth Day: 1 teaspoon
tenth day: 0.5 teaspoon

(...) Read the full interview, click on:


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